New article about the 11/29 Facets screening event Indie Discovery LA In Chicago, by film reviewer Jamie Toth

Read the article here -

From the article: "Three of my favorite watches this year, Bristol Fashion, Only In Theaters, and Cosmic Disco Detective Rene, will be screened in Chicago on 11/29/2023 at FACETS! The films will be screening at 5 PM (Bristol Fashion), 7 PM (Only in Theaters), and 9 PM (Cosmic Disco Detective Rene) and each will have a Q&A session with the directors following the film! In an interview with Sujewa Ekanayake and Raphael Sbarge, two the directors who will be featured, Sujewa promised, “expect the weird!”" More here -



Bristol Fashion at Indie Discovery LA In Chicago film event on 11/29/23 at Facets, Chicago - 5 PM, with director for Q&A -

Only In Theaters at Indie Discovery LA In Chicago film event on 11/29/23 at Facets, Chicago - 7 PM, with director for Q&A -

Cosmic Disco Detective Rene And The Mystery Of Immortal Time Travelers at Indie Discovery LA In Chicago film event on 11/29/23 at Facets, Chicago - 9 PM, with director at Q&A -
